Saturday, January 22, 2011

What I really want to do is...

So I REALLY should be working on my novel (or one of my many other partially started writing projects). I told myself I was going to lock myself in this weekend and make some headway on this stuff. Mostly, writing is very therapeutic for me. It's an outlet for me to help clear my head of all of the random thoughts that float around in my head on a daily basis... a way for me to let the "scripts" (as my mom calls them) escape so I don't have to stress over them anymore. But still I sit here with Word open and I toggle back and forth between the different windows, one for every semi-written plot. I honestly just don't know where to start. It's not that I don't have the drive to write. I'm actually very excited to see where the characters take the stories. 

*le sigh* Guess the night is still young...

Current Craving:  Movie Theatre Popcorn (with butter of course)
Current Tunes:     Leave the Light On - Beth Hart

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