Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Namaste...Here to stay!

So tonight, I rediscovered the pleasure of yoga and immediately decided that I'm going to make it a part of my everyday life. I forgot how much I love not only the exercise aspect but also how relaxed and "tall" it makes me feel. Sidebar: So those of you that know me, know that I'm...well...short (5'3" and yes, I round up!). No need for short jokes, I've heard them all. So when I say it makes me feel tall, I'm not sportin' my 4" Steve Maddens through my poses. Are you kidding? I'm also rather clumsy! I have been known to trip over flat surfaces and fall UP stairs...but only on days ending in "Y". Where was I? Oh yeah, opens me up and expands my awareness of my body, my mind, and the world around me. I know, it sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but if you have never done yoga, you really are missing out.

Tomorrow, I'll venture out to the Social Security Office to start the process of changing back to my maiden name. It'll be refreshing to finally finish washing that man outta my hair. Another step forward....very much ready to "officially" get back to being the real me!

Current Craving:   Vino Bambino Salad from Oregano's
Current Tunes:      Fear - Toad the Wet Sprocket
Current Click:       Ghost Hunters International - SyFy channel

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