Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year, New Me!

2010 is over and done...and THANK GOODNESS it is! It was a whirlwind of a year that was full of experiences I thought I'd never have...bankruptcy & divorce just to name two. But thanks to my wonderful family and awesome friends, I made it through! Now I'm stronger than ever and taking 2011 by storm. 

I've always loved to cook but have never been able to make an amount of food to feed any less than an army! I've rekindled my interest in books seem to be reading like a mad woman, enjoying all types of genres I never imagined I'd ever read. I also enjoy all types of movies and have an extremely eclectic taste in music. I adore traveling...even if it's just a quick weekend road trip to Utah or California.

So, dear readers, are ya with me? Joining me in my adventures for this amazing new year? I welcome your company! Here we go....

Current Craving: Chips & Salsa
Current Read:     Lover Unbound by J.R. Ward
Current Tunes:    The Elliot EP - Jakob Freely

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