Thursday, November 10, 2011

On the road again...

Tomorrow morning, I’ll head out on what may be my last roadtrip of the year. With one of my infamous playlists blaring through the speakers of my trusty steed, Truckzilla, I’ll use the time trotting through the desert to clear my head and plan for the new year…that is just over a month away! Really? HOLY CRAP! Where has the time gone ?!?!

I know I repeat it ad nauseum, but I really have come a long way this year. Every day I am amazed at how strong I have become. Those of you who know me personally understand that I am the last one to toot my own hor. But maybe it’s not a bad thing to do every once in a while; there is nothing wrong with showing some pride in yourself. I’m pretty fricken rad! Yup, I said it :) I don’t accept compliments very well…need to work on that!

Aside from self reflection, this weekend is the start of several new adventures. I’ll be bouncing all over the L.A. area meeting up with a new , connecting with co-workers I don’t see often enough, and supporting a VERY talented friend as he embarks on a new chapter of his life. If the rain holds off, I’ll be able to cross a thing or two off my bucket list. No matter what, I’m going to enjoy the shit out of this weekend!

Current Tunes:       "When My Time Comes" by Dawes
Current Click:          Brothers & Sisters (season 4)…thank you NetFlix
Current Read:         Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

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