Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Check Yes or No

Recently, I have been confronted with a question that has me completely baffled:  How can I have the desire to be in a relationship yet want to be alone at the same time?  Gone are the co-dependent tendencies of my past.  I have battled the green-eyed monster and rose victorious.  Yet I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little gun-shy about getting back in the saddle.

And BTW, anyone who says that dating is “easy” and/or “fun” and/or “exciting”….OBVIOUSLY does not live in Vegas!  At least it isn’t any of the above for me (well, not at the moment at least).  Before you start spouting advice (that I’ve heard more times than I can count), I’m going to fill you in on the following:

1) I am not in a hurry;
2) I am not “looking for it to happen”;
3) I am not a fan of going out to the clubs/bars/meat-markets;
4)   I am not going to join online dating sites (no offense to those who do).

This town is an incredibly difficult place to meet people worth a shit.  I know, I know, that’s a very bold and blatant statement, but I’m not alone in that school of thought.

Oh, to go back to the days when it was as carefree as passing a note to the cutie across the playground: “Do you like me? Check yes or no”.  Simple, drama-free. 

Current Tunes:        Crazy by Patsy Cline
Current Click:          True Blood
Current Read:         The Big Nowhere by James Ellroy
Current Craving:      Caesar Salad

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