Sunday, May 29, 2011

Home Again...

I have returned home from another relaxing weekend in LA: got to see a friend I don't get a chance to very often, updated the Scroungy Pizza blog with our new fun project, spent some quality time becoming one with the sun and sand that is Venice Beach (ok...mostly the sun - OUCH!), discovered some awesome little hole-in-the-wall restaurants off the beaten path, oh yeah...and caught up on some much needed (and missed) sleep.

I also had a lot of time to crawl into my head and figure some shit out...not in the "old" Jaime way, folks! Gone are the days where I create destructive scenarios in my brain that have nothing to do with reality...I promise that's not as crazy as it sounds! I'm done building and burning the bridge before the clouds even form to produce the rains to cause the floods! For those of you who know me, you understand that this is a HUGE step forward. But anyway, over the last month or so I have come to terms with a number of things in my life and have made the decision to seal up the things I cannot control and toss them away. Every day I look at the tattoo on my wrist and remind myself that I do not need to carry any unhealthy burdens. I have rid my life of toxic people and surround myself with those that will be there for me through thick and thin, as I will for them. There is no place in my world for asshattery or fair weather friends. Life is too short! *stepping down off soap box*

Lots of plans and goals set for my month of June, a couple are a little far fetched but for the most part they are  very attainable. One of my nearest and dearest has started up a promotions company in Vegas and will need my love and support (more than the usual) as he gets Monkeyfish Entertainment up and running...and I thought I was just helping him out with his logo *damn*  (Mad love Biff!) 

Before I know it June will be over and done with...where is this year going? Oh well... *holding on tight for the wild ride*

Current Click:          Californication, Season 4
Current Read:          Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Current Craving:     Vanilla Ice Cream